Meet the Sculptors: (Competitor) Steve Topazio – Tiverton, Rhode Island

Published 2023-06-12
As the story goes, 15 years ago, Steve was making a dragon in the sand with a clam shell and now he is competing along side the best sand sculptors in the world. He was given the opportunity to compete in his first master’s sand sculpting event 10years ago. Since then , this local New Englander has held his own in this impressive line up.
Steve loves the energy that surrounds a Masters’ competition. Whether it is from the thrill of being up against the best or the crowd that have become just true fans. He is still pursuing his goal of placing in a Masters event. Hopefully it will be achieved in Revere Beach.
Steve heads up Sandtasia Sand Sculptors of the Ocean State, based in Tiverton R.I.