05 September 2018

Published 2023-06-12
Daily video show for kids and the family and also all students of English. We offer a wide range of podcasts delivered in handy bite size bits. Great for teachers, students and quite frankly anyone who likes their podcasts in small manageable chunks! Not fussy with a particular topic? Just skip to the next episode! 
Broadcasting from England. Featuring books, jokes and loads of fun! Throughout our broadcasts we encourage families to rediscover the pleasures of reading books together. Check-out our daily book suggestions.
In the Summer of 2016 we launched our new campaign to get everyone more involved in sports and to understand the many benefits that regular exercise brings to both our mental and physical health. All videos on this topic have been produced out on location in all the beautiful local parks and sports centres. We offer encouragement and motivation to every single one of our viewers considering taking-up a new sport or getting-back into an old one. 
Whilst this campaign does have a particular focus on women and girls who are greatly unrepresented in most sports and at most levels, generally it's open to all. We continue to try to get as many of you as we can to switch off the TV and to spend more of your time doing sports and most importantly, having fun!
We regularly present our own unique take on current affairs and politics and our programme also features social science reports and plenty of ideas on how to improve your happiness, mental health and general well-being.
https://www.englishprogramme.com https://www.facebook.com/englishprogramme http://www.spreaker.com/user/4516111 [email protected] [email protected]