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Gettysburg College

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About Gettysburg College

Founded in 1832, Gettysburg College upholds a rigorous commitment to the liberal arts. Designed to benefit the whole student, throughout the entirety of their life and career, the Gettysburg Approach builds within every student a breadth and depth of knowledge and set of enduring skills—cultivated both inside and outside of the classroom—that will prepare them for a lifetime of career advancement and personal success.Combined with experiential learning and a drive to Do Great Work, there are no bystanders here.

Those who come here, to this College, in this place, surrounded by history and opportunity, build in each other the ambition and the determination to take up the great and unfinished work of making a better world for themselves, their families, their communities, their nations.

To learn more about A Consequential Education and The Gettysburg Approach, please visit…

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