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Infinity Prospecting

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Información sobre Infinity Prospecting

This is the Infinity Prospecting YouTube page, a channel focused on gold mining, prospecting, geology, economics, history, wealth creation, and a few random theories and ideas we have come up with over the years. We post videos of our family's adventures among other things.

This channel is about cool rocks and how to save time and make money with new technology and ideas so that placer hobby operations can become economic and build significant wealth for their owners. We specialize in flour gold recovery using the Devin Gold Vortex Drop Riffle (VDR) sluice system - targeting the abundant flour gold deposits that still exist all over the world. There's lots of gold still out there and, yes, it is possible to make decent money finding some!

Record high gold prices and new technologies create new global opportunities.

Is this the start of a new world wide gold rush? Stay tuned to find out!

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