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Beatrice Price

2,450 subscribers

About Beatrice Price

Welcome to Discover the World of C.S. Lewis! This is the perfect place for those who love literature, philosophy, and the profound religious insights of one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

On this channel, we’ll:

Dive deep into the mythical world of "The Chronicles of Narnia": Uncover the allegorical meanings and human values within each story.
Analyze Lewis’s philosophical and religious ideas: Explore the profound perspectives in works like Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters.
Learn about his journey of faith, from atheism to Christianity, and how it shaped his literary career and life.
Compare and discuss Lewis’s thoughts with contemporary writers and philosophers like J.R.R. Tolkien.
Whether you’re a dedicated fan of Narnia or a seeker of truth through the lens of philosophy, our channel will guide you through the depths of C.S. Lewis’s mind and creative universe.
Subscribe now to stay updated with the latest videos, where knowledge meets faith!

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