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Cornelius Sneed

30 subscribers

About Cornelius Sneed

Old fart, life-long real (as in I get and got paid) musician. Cooking enthusiast, seeker of (actual, practical and provable) truth. Constantly trying to improve my knowledge of how stuff works, and of stuff in general. Currently employed as a live-in personal chef and dietary consultant. (Very nice work if you can get it, sort of like being a lunch-lady with much better ingredients, a much shorter workday, and far fewer plates to serve.)

I sometimes say things that prove unpopular, but I rarely say anything at all until I have thoroughly researched a subject. You may not agree with what I say, and this is fine. If you want to argue with me, I invite and even cherish good-spirited debate. All I ask is that you really know what you are talking about. If you are right, and can prove it, you will convert me. It is as simple as that, I promise. I am nearly always delighted to be proven wrong, as the only way to eventually be right about everything is to stop being wrong about anything. :)

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