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Kinako Ch. ⚜️ 菜花黄名子

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Información sobre Kinako Ch. ⚜️ 菜花黄名子

My name is Kinako, I was a normal girl who loves to play football but a man who claims to be my future husband randomly shows up to ask me to time travel to help the boy he claims my future son, Fei. I was one of the players who beat the Second Stage Children. After that, we finally live a normal life. Me and Beta got fell in love with each other but I've forgotten my romantic feelings for her as I grew up. We secretly kiss each other when we're alone. I got married to Asurei but I died giving birth to Fei. But don't worry, like in Oshi No Ko, I got reincarnated to become a futa mochi baked by Gordon Ramsay. Beta also reminded me our romantic feelings when she followed me and I admire her endeavour to nourish our love after all these years. From that day, I stopped my interest to boys and love Beta again. We also got married when we're 20 years old. Despite being 28 years old as of 2024, me and Beta looks like we didn't age at all. Maybe miracles do happen.

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