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ちゃんみな [CHANMINA]

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About ちゃんみな [CHANMINA]

⽇本語、韓国語、英語を巧みに操るトリリンガルラッパー/シンガー。2017年2⽉に「FXXKER」でメジャー・デビュー。2018年ワーナーミュージック・ジャパンへ移籍。2019年に2ndフルアルバム『Never Grow Up』を発売。収録されている「Never Grow Up」は2021年7月に総ストリーミング回数が1億回を超えた。YouTubeでの全映像の総再生回数は4億回超えとストリーミング・サービスやSNSでの強さを感じられる10代~20代を中心に圧倒的な支持を受ける今最も注目すべきZ世代アーティスト。

CHANMINA is a trilingual rapper and singer who is fluent in Japanese, Korean, and English. She made her major label debut in July 2017 with the track "FXXKER" and moved to Warner Music Japan in 2018. In July 2021, her second album, Never Grow Up, achieved a milestone of 100M total streaming plays for its lead track, "Never Grow Up." With more than 400M views on her YouTube channel, CHANMINA has established a strong presence on various streaming and social media platforms. In 2022, CHANMINA expanded her audience by releasing Korean tracks, "Don't Go (featuring ASH ISLAND)" and "Mirror." Today, she is celebrated as one of the most popular Gen Z artists, not only in Japan but also around the world.

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