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Pineapple Top Hawaii

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About Pineapple Top Hawaii

Aloha! I'm Noelani, and I'm from the Big island of Hawai'i! I LOVE to cook! Especially dishes that have been in my family for generations. Back in the day when we had pineapple and Sugar cane plantations people from all over the world would come to Hawai'i for work. There was a melting pot of ethnicity's which lead us to learning different cultures dishes. Most of them we still cook today! Now don't get confused with authentic Hawaiian food and "local style" food. "Local style" is its own category , its foods that has been fused with the different cultures like filipino, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese food. And let me tell you it is AMAZINGGGGG to say the least! Now come join me as I cook dishes new and old that any true local would love. Lets go!

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