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Cook 2 Nourish

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About Cook 2 Nourish

Hi folks! Thanks for stopping by! I am Indira - I am a nutritional therapy practitioner and a health coach. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and at one point in my life I was severely disabled and bedridden. I did extensive research on my own trying out different dietary and lifestyle changes and finally after a period of two years fighting the disease, I was able to manage my RA well using a holistic approach. This channel was originally created in 2010 (pre RA) to document traditional Kerala recipes. After my experience healing myself with diet, I decided to blog about healing recipes which include AIP as well as gluten and dairy free recipes. I also share information about general nutrition tips for healthy weight loss. Hope you learn something useful while you are here! Do comment and lmk what topics / recipes you would like me to make videos on!
My websites:
For healthy recipes:
For my nutrition coaching program for RA:

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