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About sleepjar

Songs from a room.

Doing this brings me great joy and is therapeutic beyond measure.

I started playing regularly again in 2022, after a nearly 30 year layoff, inspired by my daughter and my cousin.

I’m a second rate singer and a third rate guitar player, with a fourth rate recording “technique”. I do this because I love to do it. If you like what I do, I am honored.

I love harmony. All the vocals are me.

I’m astonished and humbled by the artistry in every song I cover.

I’d rather modify a song to my skill set than not play it at all. Please don’t hold it against me.

In a few instances I choose the songs. In most instances the songs choose me.

My single biggest mistake is thinking any song will be easy.

Some songs have multiple versions posted because I can’t decide.

Thank you.

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