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Scary Fear

2,850 subscribers

About Scary Fear

Welcome to my channel. I would call this a variety channel as I post about the things I am interested in. Some things like budgies birds jeeps travel exotic plants nature digital art reviews and unboxing. If you sub please comment as I enjoy hearing from people that enjoy my videos. Comments are screened to keep things clean. I mostly post for myself and on my own time table. But it's good content & worth the wait. INTJ Personality type. Christian Conservative.
Greetings from Florida.
If you post "shorts" on your channel I will unsubscribe. I don't need time wasters.

As of Summer 2021 my current obsessions are budgies, Jurassic Park, exotic plants, pet frogs and my own digital art. This channel's mascot is my character Scary Fear the raven neuron or fear itself. If you'd like to reach me for product testing my email is
[email protected]
Cards and gift art can be sent to
Scary Fear Youtube
P.O. Box 1680
Zephyrhills FL 33539
Just let me know if you do so I will check my box.

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