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About Sonoflordofsea

Hey guys, I’m just a kid trying to make his YouTube debut by playing Beat Saber. I’m gonna try to upload every 2 weeks (on Sundays or Saturdays) but no promises. After all, I need to practice the songs to get full combo. I can’t just play them perfect on easy, that would be too boring! Otherwise I could do ‘first attempt’ videos, but then I’d need to buy another song/music pack, which is expensive you know! Anyways that’s about it for me, besides the fact that I LOVE Beat Saber… and now we are at over 500 characters for this bio. So I’m just gonna keep going and say random things because I want to make the longest bio on YouTube and I still need to keep typing to make that a reality. I could just put random nonsense, but what’s the point of that?! Who knows, maybe someone’s actually reading this and caring about what I write. But the odds of the are probably like 1 in a million! Oh also, I forgot to mention! I have another channel, Spice Bros, you might’ve heard of it. Well bye now!

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