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An Ecologist Speaks

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Información sobre An Ecologist Speaks

As we face multiple crisis in civilization, we need to get to the root of what is wrong, and create change. I want to facilitate change towards a supportive, regenerative world - moving away from our current combative, competitive model towards something more supportive for the whole.

I want to help lift us out of our current way of thinking, and create genuinely supportive and creative communities, full of alive, resourceful, creative, healed and most importantly empowered people.

For me this starts with support. I help people create change for themselves, in their internal world, their personal lives, their community and the outer world for the benefit of us all.

I formerly worked in climate science, and now I am a coach. During my journey in climate science I lived in the Arctic for almost a decade, visited the North Pole, and had a spiritual breakthrough and awakening.

It's good to have you here, please hit subscribe & follow my channel.

PayPal: @RobertHoldenCoaching

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