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Dawn's Crusader

250 subscribers

About Dawn's Crusader

I'm just an Independent Right-Winger/Catholic who collects videos (both Political & Non-Political), and puts them into playlists for everyone to see.
Take Care and God Bless. Peace.

“I believe that all Spaniards⁠—even those fighting us—wish that this war could have been settled one way or another by Spaniards alone. We never wanted our country to become a battleground for foreign powers.” Major Cancela Spanish Foreign Legion: Mine Were of Trouble.

"I am the last ruler of the old world. My duty is to protect my nation against politicians."

- Kaiser Franz Joseph I

"But greatness is never in vain. The virtues won in sorrow and sacrifice are stronger than hatred and death. Like the sun springing from the dark night, they will shine forth sooner or later."

Leon Degrelle

"I would rather have a responsible autocrat than an irresponsible oligarchy."

Theodore Roosevelt

"The army is like a sword and must not be allowed to rust."

Kull the Conqueror The Shadow Kingdom

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