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Weeping Willow

10 subscribers

About Weeping Willow

I'm a millennial woman. I'm autistic, which I make no apologies for. Cat whisperer, psych major, graduated Summa Cum Laude. I'm an evangelical Christian, pro-life, pro-traditional-marriage (one man, one woman), believe in two unchangeable genders... but NO I don't HATE anyone. You can love someone and not support their lifestyle.

I support the 2nd amendment and firearms, including armalites and similar rifles. People have a right to defend themselves and their families.

I despise the public school system. Public schools are no longer schools, they've become indoctrination camps. If at all possible, please pull your kids out of public schools and put them in Christ-centered private schools or homeschool them.

I hate supremacy movements of all kinds. Be it white supremacy, black supremacy, antisemitism or whatever else, I HATE IT ALL! We're all made by the same God.

I stand with Israel and if that makes me a "Zionist", so be it. (Numbers 24; Romans 11)

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