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420 subscribers

About CraftyMaelyss

Don't worry, I haven't been hacked! I'm currently relaunching my channel, so almost all of my videos are currently unlisted (you can still see them in playlists though but those will vanish too)

This is to allow me to do a major overhaul and tidy up my channel with the new naming convention/format you'll see on my announcement videos. Plus it'll let me organise my playlists and videos properly too. There are 4-5 Announcement Videos coming up that will go over some changes coming to this channel, including some updates on my games I'm developing, mods, Kameo Content and far more :)

Trust me, the new changes will make it much easier to navigate and the new videos will be far cleaner too :)

Don't forget, I'm very active on discord if you want to pop in and say hello!

Creative Insomniacs (personal server):

Epeom server:

Kameo discord server:

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