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Sleep Deprived Individual

177 subscribers

About Sleep Deprived Individual

Press me or no Sleep for youπŸ˜’

I am what you would call a ✨Gacha Cringe Kid ✨

Some of my videos contain: Harresment, Abuse, Violence

So be warned, I also do Not recommend this channel too people under the age of 13 Due to this.

I Try to Post Around the Same time Everyday

My videos usually Are about the Lore of my OC's or just Me having Attempts To be funny

If you have any Questions You Can Just Ask πŸ«€

Pronouns: She/Them
CIS Female
Amount of Braincells: 2

You are allowed to be inspired by my videos as long as you Credit πŸ«€

Credits: My Channel Banner is made by 143Remi

Have a good day and Please Sleep πŸ«€

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