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oli 💤

65 subscribers

About oli 💤

my homework ate my dog

I see your search history
yeah fuck you and your privacy.

Little word of advice
Love hurts, too much. Don’t bother chasing after it. It’s not fucking coming back and you know it.

yipdeedoda! yipdeedoday! I want to cry every fucking dayyy!

ima add smt new each time I revisit this shit and lose my stability from looking at my long-term crush’s mere existence even tho they stopped giving a fuck about me (too specific but oh well if they find this they find it, so yk who you are I guess)

I haven’t answered anyone’s texts for the past 3 weeks since school ended. I’m not ok lmao 🫶

I need to start following the advice I give to ppl and not myself… this is the 7th time I’ve come back just to see that one person…

deadass I need to stop doing this, I’m legit jst hurting myself at this point 💀

I might actually start posting jst bc I come back here so much

holy shit might actually post frfr no lie not clickbait ‼️

I’m back again???! 😨

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