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Northwest Jetz

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About Northwest Jetz

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Just a guy making aviation content.

If your new, let me sum this up. I have YT as a "For Fun" thing. I will never go full time YT because my dream is to fly for the Airlines. I try to make the best quality videos for you. I play flight sim all the time, and fly for virtual airlines. I like all airlines but my top 3 are Alaska (Horizon), Southwest, and Hawiian. I wish I could fly on an ERJ 175 but I can't 😭. My favorite planes are the Q400, ERJ 175, 757, 737, and 747. If you could, hit the subscribe button as I am a small creator and want to make money for flight school. I have a deal as well. If we get to 1000 by the end of this year, I will sell merch. (Probably stickers, etc). But now that you know some stuff about me, hit the sub button.

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100000 Nope
1000000 NEVER

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