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Rustys Revenge

391 subscribers

About Rustys Revenge

I post random stuff.
Rustcribe for the random and facepalms.

One of the best men you can get for community mvm events

I'm also in the MCRP Community. I have around a year's worth of experience, mostly in body acting, though I'm a jack of all trades with some amount of skill in the other areas of RPing like building, HD skin making, or voice acting.
You can ask me to help in your mcrp, don't matter what beef you have with anyone else, if you need help you can rely on me
Body acting, building, maybe voice acting or HD skins in a pinch

As of Jul 28th of 2023, I prohibit any of my content or any content I'm involved in the creation in, to being uploaded or mentioned on Tik Tok. I will reframe from using past occurrences of me being on Tik Tok as a casus belli to start drama with other people, but I want no part in the proliferation of content made on a platform as perverted as Tik Tok. It run by bad people, and by engaging with Tik Tok you're engaging with the enemy.

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