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Jeff & Oi Kuen Cooking

6,370 subscribers

About Jeff & Oi Kuen Cooking

Welcome to the Jeff & Oi Kuen Cooking Channel - This is a channel that is about sharing recipes on food that some of our family members love to eat.

Oi Kuen prepares them mostly and she will be showing the step by step. We hope every family at home enjoys the video and an enjoyable meal. The recipes made are primarily Malaysian covering Chinese, Malay and Indian cuisine.

The videos made are also meant to pass to the next generation and to video record down any secret recipes passed from grandparents and parents (before they get extinct and forgotten).

We will be sharing videos every week so that everyone at home can also try out and enjoy the food that we make.
Subscribe and give us many, many Likes if you found it entertaining too.
You can also search us by #JeffOiKuen.

Many Thanks and Bon Appetite !!

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