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It's Me, Asparageese

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Información sobre It's Me, Asparageese

The microwave was invented to meet a need to heat hamsters humanely in 1950s laboratories

btw I'm a disabled premed student living in a truck, and CURRENTLY FUNDRAISING TO HELP MY HOMELESS PEERS WITH FIRST AID AND MEDICAL RESOURCE NAVIGATION! I already do it but I'd love help to do it better. Please visit my website below to find the GoFundMe and other ways you can help. Thank you SO so so much to anyone who helps support or spread the word in any way, I really appreciate it!

idk why people keep subbing to me since I haven't ever put anything on this channel ... but I've meant to for years and I'm hoping to get over my blocks about it eventually, so go ahead and join the party if you want to help pile on the pressure lol

I'm emeraldbixby or monstrousreprobate on most other platforms if you're tryna webstalk. I try not to be active on too many though or I'll get sucked in. If you wanna be friends, my email below works, or my website also has a contact form, say hi if you want!

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