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John Vitela

2,960 subscribers

About John Vitela

Hello my name is John Vitela.
I'm suffering from insomnia.
So I always played a video of rain before I went to bed and fell asleep.
Then I started making videos because it was hard to find the video I liked.
That's why I'm making videos that I like.
And if possible, I wanted to show you the real places.
There will be happy memories, sometimes sad memories, so I hope to give them back.
I hope my taste helps those who have the same taste as me.
I hope you have a happy dream.

There are a lot of fine videos in Youtube Some of them are too beautifully processed but I think that people are more interested in ordinary videos and may be this monotony is boring for them. so I film such videos which are ordinary, simple and absolutely different from those colorful ones which look like painted pictures. That's make my videos different from them.
Thanks you for watching!

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