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2 subscribers

About World_still_spins

I'm tired of most of the internet.
This channel may contain playlists and/or videos and/or other content that may not be appropriate for some audiences.

Ed here at World_still_spins, the underscores are important.

This is the main channel.
I may try to upload a video at least once per year or more on this main channel.

Stuff I may possibly upload later:
Automotive car maintenance, Artistic expression, Podcast style random stuff, Product reviews (some), maybe some food or restaurant reviews (I have allergies and odd tastes in food, so may not be a pleasing review), dumb self monologue boring talking without much purpose, if I ever get a game pc then maybe gameplay, other random stuff.

INTP personality, all this social stuff is super draining.

Peace Yo from Ed at World_still_spins.

(Self question: Does anyone actually read youtube descriptions, or is that just me?)

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