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About Syrnian

Do not bother replying to anything I comment or reply as I will not
reply. Most of my replies are ghosted by YouTube. Ghosted means I can
see them while no one else can.

This is my most recent comment reply and was ghosted
"How do you know the universe was devoid of all matter?
How do you know the singularity just appeared?
That is not proof. That is a claim.
How do you know there was a before the big bang. As best as humans know
there was no time before the big bang. Even speaking about before time
is nonsensical.
From our observations, our local universe appears top be expanding.
Demonstrate the existence of your god. Until you do that, everything you
say based on your presupposition of your god's existence in invalid.
Demonstrate multiple universes or dimensions.
A stick figure is not sentient. If you are proposing that it is, you
must demonstrate that."

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