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Third Realm Integration

102 subscribers

About Third Realm Integration

Maegan Kenney is a licensed Jungian and Transpersonal psychotherapist, a ketamine-assisted psychotherapist, heart conscious Ho'oponopono practitioner, and Chironic astrologer. She incorporates soul retrieval shamanic practices, intuitive tarot, and archetypal astrology into her teachings. She is licensed psychotherapist in Idaho and Florida with provisional licenses in South Carolina and New Jersey. Her private practice is called Third Realm Integration, which is a heart conscious therapy, coaching, and consulting program. She founded the Third Realm Method and hosts the T.R.I.P. show (Third Realm Integration Podcast) available on YT or on your favorite podcast app. Visit Third Realm Integration to learn more

Check out the ThirdRealmStudio Etsy shop for in-depth tarot and astrology readings…

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