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105 subscribers

About TruWrecks

I'm a Disabled Veteran and a gamer at heart. Streaming, gaming and making videos are my social interactions. I play a variety of games, compose music and make content in the Unreal Engine.

The Sanitarium is an Adult Gaming Community that is made of good family based people that love to hang out and play games, enjoy music and more. Follow our team and see if you need to be sedated or restrained in a Straitjacket!

The Sanitarium

1: Chat Rules:
Self-Promoting and Promoting of others is NOT allowed in CHAT. You must ASK FIRST or you will be muted!
2: Respect is Earned, not given! (Treat others how You want to be treated. And don't come here making demands.)
3: No Racism. (you will be banned permanently)
4: No links to hate sites or porn. (you will be banned permanently)
5: Don't be a dick.
5: Trying to outwit the chat filters will get you banned.
6: Don't push your agenda on my community! It is NOT your social platform!
7: My Moderators are ALWAYS RIGHT!

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