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Night of thunder

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About Night of thunder

I have been a Ti since at least 2009. I had no idea what was happening to me till late last year all I knew was that strange things kept happening to me everywhere I went.This channel is to show the world what is happening to me and others like me. It is a completely different world when you are a targeted individual. People and organisations you may of supported are turned on you and used to harass you. Neighbours all of a sudden seem to hate you and this is just the tip of the iceberg of the things you will recieve in this Government funded and supported harassment program that is secretly being used on people to try and drive them to insanity or even to kill themselves.

I believe this program has been based off of a lot of historic mind control and covert elimination programs and was perfected first in the Usa before being spread to all Nato and Western countries. Make no mistake covert harassment and torture is being sanctioned against Us and Uk Citizens and many more Worldwide.

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