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Aspie Sean

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About Aspie Sean

A Neurotypical/ Aspie outreach series hosted by a 30-something Medeivalist & Western Martial Artist living in the Western US with his wife. We're sharing the trials and tribulations of having Asperger's Syndrome. Remember: " If you've met one person with Asperger's... you've met one person with Asperger's. "
Some facts about the host- Diagnosed in 2002 at age 23. Co-morbid Disorders: Dysgraphia, ADD, Severe Emotional Handicap. Am married, was engaged one other time, but had few girlfriends overall. Does Eastern and Western Marital Arts. Is a US military veteran. Highly educated, but only holds a degree in General Studies (for now). Functional 160 IQ with an 94 IQ processing speed (I/O flow problems).

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