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Gamer Historian

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Gamer Historianの説明

Hello my great fellow comrades and bronies in the world. I bring to you the greatest of Equestria and the love of the State. I will bring PMVs and much more in the near future. The name of my OC is Red-Czar. Who knows I might even change it up a little-bit. I mostly archive videos on Dailymotion, and "Fair use". I'm also known as RedFlutterMao on DA and DailyMotion. I'm also a WarThunder Player by the alias of RedFlutterZhu. I'm currently a college student, so I don't have a lot of spare on hand at the moment. I mostly post youtube videos out of fun and having a hobby. Maybe in start a patron in the future, or this into another "Let's Play channel." To be honest school is holding me back, and first thing is first, that's my degree. Last of all I've been a brony since Fall of 2012. Good Day to you mates.

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