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27 subscribers

About VisualGourmet

"To understand an enemy you have to walk a mile in his shoes. If you still don't understand him then, you're at least a mile away from him and have his shoes."

This is my channel. Don't tell me your opinion about it, because I totally don't care.
They call me a "troll", but I know better - I know I'm just smarter and more virtous than the 80-90% of humanity that divides evenly between complete idiots and fucking assholes.
They call me "misanthrope" and you know what? For once they're right.
I love to help, but I don't wanna be exploited.
So have FUn.

PS.: You feel harassed because you're a (bad) human? Well, you're a loser. Go beat yourself in a corner.

PPS.: And because the people at Youtube seem to be in the elite of dumb morons and the new notification system sucks dirty ass, I will never ever answer on any reaction to my comments again.

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