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insane irby

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About insane irby

Insanity is sanity in an insane world! And you know, we must first know that we don’t know before we can know, you know? And I’m not out of my mind, just out of your mind’s limiting beliefs. For condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. Truth is truth no matter it’s source. And the story you tell to yourself, about yourself, is the most important tale you will ever tell! And if it’s to be, it’s up to me, not thee. Our net worth will never rise above our self-worth! We must be our own heroes, never a zero. Not solo hermits doing it all because teamwork makes the dream work. Thus I embrace who I am & allow our Creator God to work through, for, with & upon me to help make me be the best me possible (Philp.2:12-13). This human-divine interaction is real, miraculous, & readily available to all. As Lynn Richardson says: We must speak what we seek until we see what we say. Hence this channel to help us all be healthy, wealthy, & wise!
( [email protected] )

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