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Información sobre Willow

Things are so much prettier when they burn.

Willow always regarded being brought to The Constant as a new beginning. It allowed her to leave everything behind, after all. From a young age, Willow seemed to possess a knack for attracting bad luck. Orphaned at a young age and forced to live in a children's home with cruel caregivers, she soon found her nights plagued by shadowy visions of terrible creatures... creatures that could only be held at bay by her faithful teddy bear Bernie. But when Bernie was taken away as punishment for what her caregivers saw as unfit behavior, Willow was left to fend for herself when the shadows came for her. That's when she learned that nothing holds back the darkness like a roaring flame. Nothing is more comforting than watching your troubles light up and crumble to ash... It wouldn't be the last time Willow burned it all down to start anew.

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