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Professor Sassafras

1,130 subscribers

About Professor Sassafras

PROFESSOR SASSAF-RASS!! WHAT more do you need to know?
this channel is more of a hobby channel, i don't get paid anything. but ya this channel is more of a hobby . my first video the spray painter one was taken while I was In the country Colombia!
do you have any suggestions? any comments? be sure to let me know, after all I cant improve and make the channel more enjoyable if you don't say anything. from movie reviews, game play, short videos, even a reaction or two. no need to be displeased we got all your needs at Professor Sassafras. ( As long as the content suggested is appropriate). I'm also on look out to improve my video editing, which does improve and I do learn how to do a few new tricks. maybe once people actually start watching the channel i'll update the video upload schedule .

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