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Dennis Throckmorton

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About Dennis Throckmorton

What you see on this channel is a passion of mine big rigs,fire engines, or anything you want to see it's all right here on my channel. Also if you're a big rig fan I have also compiled a list of big rig videos and other random stuff. I hope you enjoy my liked videos and playlists. If you find something you like just hit like on the video and it will add it to your liked videos list. And I will keep looking for more cool stuff so stay tuned it'll be awesome AND BY THE WAY PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. it would be very much appreciated. PLEASE NOTE there may be videos where vulgar language is present. Oh and by the way I am a big fan of music if you're a big fan of music I'll be looking for some of the best music from past to present from all genres so look out for that.

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