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πŸŽ„ Hallmark Addict πŸŽ„

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About πŸŽ„ Hallmark Addict πŸŽ„

I'm all about people caring about other peoples well beings & someone not thinking going to the mall is more important than protecting someone's health during this pandemic. Since when is people dying not enough to do your part? Nurses & Doctors are putting their lives on the line everyday keeping people safe & alive & people can't even do their part to slow the curve. Vacations & non essential things are more important. This virus has really shown who cares about people & their health & who doesn't. & alot of people are extremely selfish. Some people haven't even seen their family in a year because its not even worth risking someones health & all these Youtubers have to go on vacations, events & dont even have compassion for other human beings. Its nauseating. This virus is never going to go away with people who are selfish & don't care about other people. It's nauseating. If everyone did their part we could get rid of the virus & go back to our normal lives but no, people are selfish

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