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In The Kitchen with Angela Lee

26 subscribers

About In The Kitchen with Angela Lee

Hello beautiful friends. I'm Angela Lee. Welcome to my channel.
I love my small garden! I use my harvest to make food, medicinal tinctures, teas and salves as well as personal care products. I also enjoy small craft projects that are kid friendly. It is my greatest desire to share with you how you can start small and grow from there.

We all have challenges in life, but one thing is for certain, it is better to share with friends and family than to go through those times alone. So come on in while we share the small things that make life more fulfilling. Small beginnings lead to beautiful things. As Zachariah wrote in scriptures, "Do not despise these small beginnings for the day you start Adoni your G-d rejoices!

We are a judgement free zone. This is for building up one another. All hate and condemnation will be deleted. May you be blessed and filled with peace! Baruch Hashem

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