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ProphecyEmpress Lerena

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About ProphecyEmpress Lerena

This channel is a place for personal self-expression. I strive to have fun entertaining people with my Chaotic Weird personality. As you can see from my videos, I'm a casual. I love to duel and I love to do it my way. My dueling persona in Duel Links and Master Duel is just for entertainment purposes, but regardless, please don't take everything I say too seriously. I'm here to be authentic and real with my videos as I learn, grow, and improve through the content I create. Weird things happen to me on a regular basis so expect my channel to include some discussion of these experiences as well as "out there" stuff in general.

My casual, non-professional approach with my videos is intended to be a reminder to prioritize fun over subscribers and views. Unpopular opinion alert. Being yourself shouldn't mean an immediate burning at the stake. Learn to value people over money and numbers.

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