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Bigfoot: A New Understanding

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About Bigfoot: A New Understanding

This channel will present lots of evidence, including videos, photographs, and actual found objects recent that bring into question whether our understanding of Sasquatch, this elusive being of the mountains and forests, does more than just romping through the woods, howling, banging on trees, making tree structures, bending branches and pivoting large fallen trees against each other, mating, eating and defecating; actions we can attribute to wild animals. That is why they are almost exclusively referred to as creatures. Would you call another human being a creature when referring to them? However, as it turns out, such descriptions may not apply to Sasquatch at all! Do animals create images and likenesses of themselves? Of course not. That action is attributed exclusively to human beings because we have the ability to reflect upon our surroundings and interpret what we see in creative endeavors like art.

This Channel will put that description to the test in reference to Sasquatch.

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