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About NyoDesu

Yo, I'm Nyo, and I wanna post stuff on whatever I feel like, but I'm too lazy. I've got some playlists. Here's some of my online names:

Steam: NyoDesu
Twitch: nyokyun
Deviantart: TheElectronicAddict (Old & Cringe)
Soundcloud: MusicallyShinji (I have some playlists I made with some of my favorite music personally, might make music there someday.) Nyo-Kun (Still learning how to make FFs in general, inactive as of 2022.)
Instagrams are gone, most of that platform sucks, anyways.


Still figuring out how to do proper editing and whatnot, bear with me if the content is pretty mediocre.

Channel Banner is by CriticalDrive on DeviantArt. It's gonna be a temporary one until I commission someone one.

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