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About Hyacsho

Games Reviews & Game Development

😎 Hi friends, I'm Hyacsho (like: "Hee"+"Ack"+"Show").

I create high-quality game analysis videos, and live streams focused on retro games (Doom), boomer shooters (Ultrakill), and indie games (Cultic) and how they work, so I can keep developing my own video game! I'm live-streaming my entire journey on this channel too!

🍕 About the Content:

Reviews & Analysis: sharing my experiences with new and old games, and analysing their game mechanics.
Gameplay Live Streams: Weekly live streams of new and old games - come say hi!
Game Dev Live Streams: I'm making a video game - watch the live stream and join me on my journey!
Shorts: New Game Demos, Game Trailers, or Gameplay clips, trivia and maybe a bit of rubbish.


"I'm surprised that I was still able to cringe this hard"
"this man went harder than my mom's expectations of me."
"Can I just say how hot you look tonight"
"You're made for YouTube"

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