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Mindshift Channel

1,220 subscribers

About Mindshift Channel


「Mindshift Channel」では、ジャンルを問わず様々な音楽を提供し、聴く人それぞれの心に響く音楽体験を目指しています。音楽がもたらすポジティブな変化を一緒に楽しみませんか?皆様の日常が、音楽によってより豊かで充実したものとなることを願っています。どうぞ、チャンネル登録をして、私たちと共に音楽の旅を楽しんでください。

Our channel delivers a variety of songs with the theme of richness and healing that music brings. Music is an important presence that brings peace to the mind and adds color to daily life. We would like to make the most of that power and help make everyone's lives richer and happier.

"Mindshift Channel" provides a variety of music regardless of genre, and aims to provide a music experience that touches the hearts of each listener. Would you like to join us and enjoy the positive changes that music brings? We hope that your daily life will be richer and more fulfilling through music. Please subscribe and enjoy the musical journey with us.

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