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WindowJug Films

465 subscriptores
0 visualizaciones

Información sobre WindowJug Films

Hello, I’m a Siren Enthusiast from Michigan who leaves behind a long trail of work and weird content on the internet you’ve probably heard about this channel before because of some old shitposts on here or because of my music production. Well, those are gone from here. I just use this channel for filming Outdoor Warning Sirens and EAS Alerts now. I’m not always in the best place mentally but at least I’m having fun sharing my main hobbies on here while they last.

I used to be into Nerf Collecting and Urban Exploration but I’ve kinda left those hobbies in the dust.

Former Aliases:
ElusiveSRNB (2021-2022)
Plasmat1k (2022-2024)
I don’t use these names anymore.

Plasmat1k you’ve definitely heard of if you’ve been here for some time. Same guy, Different names.

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