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About Camiboom


I plan on uploading songs that I have in CDs that the world must be witness too. Although they will be old and most will probably be taken down thanks to copyright but it makes me sad when a good song gets taken down and no one uploads it elsewhere... boo.

If I ever become part of the blogger horde it will not be on this channel.
My name is not Fortman and I do not want make any profit off of the videos. Apologies are in order, just in case:

I apologize any of the Tangled soundtrack songs that I have uploaded are not available in your country as I haven't apparently credited to all concerned parties. Although there may still be some sort of copyright infringement committed. I have done what I can to reinstate the rights to the authors (EMI wanted to be credited I suppose.. well in the eyes of youtube anyway...) and time will tell if the video(s) will be allowed to be played in your respective countries.
Once again I apologize - Cami)

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