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Proactive Parenting

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About Proactive Parenting

Parenting is the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love With Your Whole Heart.

Hi I’m Sharon Silver.
I don’t believe in parenting “experts,” because YOU are the expert on your child, and I never forget that!

Being an expert on your child doesn't mean you couldn't benefit from methods to transform yelling, reacting and punishment into calm, empathetic teaching. It is possible to correct behavior in ways that inspire listening, thinking, cooperation, so it creates self-reliance, responsibility, and respect, as well as increases self-esteem. Check out our webinar, "Why and I Yelling and What Can I Do Instead?" plus other seminars and books to help you do the toughest job that you love with your whole heart—parenting!
Come visit us at Proactive Parenting. NET

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